A comprehensive guide on creating maps and game modes for Atlas.
You can use this module to create sets of items and other player attributes that can be given to players at different times.
The root loadout element is used to define basic information about the loadout.
<loadout id="default">...</loadout>
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
id | The globally unique ID of this feature. This can be used to reference this feature from other parts of the XML. | Feature ID | |
parent | The id of the parent loadout for reference. | Parent Loadout ID | |
force | If the items should be forced into already occupied item slots. | True/False | false |
Set the player's compass target to a fixed position. (The compass module will override this)
<compass>1, 1, 1</compass>
Description | Type |
The target of the compass. | X,Y,Z Vector |
Disguises are used to turn players into different types of entities or blocks.
<disguise material="Workbench">falling block</disguise>
<!-- Become crafty -->
Description | Type |
Type of disguise to give to the player. | Disguise Typearmor stand ,arrow ,bat ,blaze ,boat ,cave spider ,chicken ,cow ,creeper ,donkey ,dropped item ,egg ,elder guardian ,ender crystal ,ender dragon ,ender pearl ,ender signal ,enderman ,endermite ,experience orb ,falling block ,fireball ,firework ,fishing hook ,ghast ,giant ,guardian ,horse ,iron golem ,item frame ,leash hitch ,magma cube ,minecart ,minecart chest ,minecart command ,minecart furnace ,minecart hopper ,minecart mob spawner ,minecart tnt ,mule ,mushroom cow ,ocelot ,painting ,pig ,pig zombie ,player ,primed tnt ,rabbit ,sheep ,silverfish ,skeleton ,skeleton horse ,slime ,small fireball ,snowball ,snowman ,spider ,splash potion ,squid ,thrown exp bottle ,undead horse ,villager ,witch ,wither ,wither skeleton ,wither skull ,wolf ,zombie ,zombie villager ,unknown |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
baby | If the disguise should be a baby. (Only for creatures which support this.) | True/False | false |
material | If the diguise is a block, what material the block should be. A material is defined in the syntax of matname:damage when matname is the name of the material and damage is the damage value of the material. A damage value is not required. | Singular Material Matcher |
Use this to apply potion effects directly to the player.
<effect amplifier="3" duration="5s">invisibility</effect>
<effect amplifier="3" duration="5s">increase_damage</effect>
<effect amplifier="3" duration="5s">regeneration</effect>
<effect amplifier="3" duration="5s">speed</effect>
Description | Type |
The type of the effect that the potion will cause. | PotionEffectType Possible Values |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
amplifier | The amplifier of the potion effect. | Number (Without Decimal) | 1 |
duration | The duration of the effect. This attribute denotes a period of time and can either be in seconds or in a period format. Formats are as follows: d - days h - hours m - minutes s - seconds These can be combined to create any period. No spaces are allowed. | Duration | 1 |
Set the player's level of exhaustion (This ranges from 0.0 to 4.0. When the exhaustion level reaches above 4.0 it will get subtracted by 4.0 and subtracts 1 point of hunger or saturation.)
<exhaustion action="multiply">2</exhaustion>
Description | Type |
The exhaustion modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's exhaustion level. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's exhaustion level the same. ,set - Set the player's exhaustion level to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's exhaustion level. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's exhaustion level. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's exhaustion level. ,divide - Divide the player's exhaustion level by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's exhaustion level by the supplied number. | set |
Set the player's experience level. (This is the number above the bar)
<exp-level action="add">4</exp-level>
Description | Type |
The XP modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's XP level. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's XP level the same. ,set - Set the player's XP level to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's XP level. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's XP level. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's XP level. ,divide - Divide the player's XP level by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's XP level by the supplied number. | set |
Set the player's experience points. (This is the value on the bar)
<exp-points action="subtract">2</exp-points>
Description | Type |
The XP modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's XP points. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's XP points the same. ,set - Set the player's XP points to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's XP points. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's XP points. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's XP points. ,divide - Divide the player's XP points by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's XP points by the supplied number. | set |
Set the player's fly speed.
<fly-speed action="add">4</fly-speed>
Description | Type |
The speed modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's fly speed. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's fly speed the same. ,set - Set the player's fly speed to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's fly speed. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's fly speed. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's fly speed. ,divide - Divide the player's fly speed by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's fly speed by the supplied number. | set |
You can use this to set the player's food.
<food-level action="add">4</food-level>
Description | Type |
The food modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's food level. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's food level the same. ,set - Set the player's food level to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's food level. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's food level. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's food level. ,divide - Divide the player's food level by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's food level by the supplied number. | set |
Items can have many attributes, and are the main element of loadouts.
<loadout id="default">
<item slot="0" material="stone sword" />
<item slot="1" material="bow" />
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
slot | Slot in the inventory where the item should be placed. (If no slot is specified, the item will be put in the first available slot) | Number (Without Decimal) | |
material | The material of the item. | Material Possible Values | |
shop-id | If a shop opener, which shop this item should open on right click. The id of the shop for reference. | Shop ID | |
damage | The damage value of the item. (This can be used to color wool or to change the durability of a pickaxe.) | Number (Without Decimal) | |
amount | The amount of the item to be given to the player. (Use -1 for infinite stacks) | Number (Without Decimal) | 1 |
unbreakable | If the item should never run out of durability. | True/False | false |
flags | The flags that should be applied to the item. Separate each flag with a , | Text | |
color | The color to be applied to the item. (This item must be a colorable item, or a parser error will be thrown) Colors can be defined in 2 different ways. If the color starts with a '#', the hex of the color will be parsed (use this for exact colors) If not, a generic color (red, green, blue, etc) should be used. | Color | |
team-color | If the player's team color should be used to color the item. This will override the other color attribute. | True/False | false |
potion | The type of the potion that will be displayed. (This will not override the effects added by the effects tag) | PotionType Possible Values | |
projectile | The id of the projectile for reference. | Projectile ID |
Banner designs can also be created via XML, and can be combined to create complex designs. Designs are applied in the order that they are written.
<pattern color="red">stripe center</pattern>
<pattern color="blue">diagonal left</pattern>
Attribute | Description | Type |
pattern | The name of the type of pattern to be applied. | PatternType Possible Values |
color | The color of the pattern. Colors can be defined in 2 different ways. If the color starts with a '#', the hex of the color will be parsed (use this for exact colors) If not, a generic color (red, green, blue, etc) should be used. | Color |
This is used to apply potion effects to potions.
Specification | Changes |
1.0.4 | Item effects now must be wrapped in corresponding sub-tags. |
<item slot="3" material="potion" damage="16426" amount="4">
<effect amplifier="2" duration="3m">absorption</effect>
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
type | Type of the effect to be applied. | PotionEffectType Possible Values | |
amplifier | The amplifier of the potion effect. | Number (Without Decimal) | 1 |
duration | The duration of the effect. This attribute denotes a period of time and can either be in seconds or in a period format. Formats are as follows: d - days h - hours m - minutes s - seconds These can be combined to create any period. No spaces are allowed. | Duration | 1 |
This is used to apply enchantments to items.
Specification | Changes |
1.0.4 | Item enchantments now must be wrapped in corresponding sub-tags. |
<item name="The King's Helmet" material="diamond helmet">
<enchantment level="4">protection environmental</enchantment>
<enchantment level="3">durability</enchantment>
<enchantment level="3">thorns</enchantment>
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
type | The type of enchantment to apply to the item. | Enchantment Possible Values | |
level | The level of the enchantment to be applied to the item. | Number (Without Decimal) | 1 |
This is used to store enchantments inside of enchanted books.
Specification | Changes |
1.0.4 | ADDED |
<stored-enchantment level="12">speed</stored-enchantment>
<stored-enchantment level="12">night vision</stored-enchantment>
Description | Type |
The enchantment to store. | Enchantment Possible Values |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
level | The level of the enchantment. | Number (Without Decimal) | 1 |
You can use this to set the player's health.
<health action="add">4</health>
Description | Type |
The health modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's health. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's health the same. ,set - Set the player's health to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's health. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's health. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's health. ,divide - Divide the player's health by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's health by the supplied number. | set |
You can use this to set the player's health scale.
<health-scale action="multiply">2</health-scale>
Description | Type |
The health modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's health scale. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's health scale the same. ,set - Set the player's health scale to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's health scale. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's health scale. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's health scale. ,divide - Divide the player's health scale by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's health scale by the supplied number. | set |
You can use this to set the player's max health.
<max-health action="subtract">2</max-health>
Description | Type |
The health modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's max health. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's max health the same. ,set - Set the player's max health to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's max health. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's max health. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's max health. ,divide - Divide the player's max health by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's max health by the supplied number. | set |
You can use this tag to give player heads in loadouts.
<player-head slot="1" uuid="069a79f444e94726a5befca90e38aaf5" />
Attribute | Description | Type |
slot | Slot in the inventory where the item should be placed. (If no slot is specified, the item will be put in the first available slot) | Number (Without Decimal) |
uuid | UUID of the owner of the head. | Minecraft UUID |
Randomizers are used to give random items in loadouts with a chance.
Specification | Changes |
1.0.4 | ADDED |
<loadout id="randomizer">
<randomizer min="1" max="1">...</randomizer>
Attribute | Description | Type |
min | The minimum stack size for items. | Number (Without Decimal) |
max | The maximum stack size for items. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Item sets are used to define sets of items that can be given with a weight.
<items max="1" min="1">
<item name="^e^lThe King's Helmet" material="diamond helmet">
<enchantment level="4">protection environmental</enchantment>
<enchantment level="3">durability</enchantment>
<enchantment level="3">thorns</enchantment>
<line>King of the Ladder!</line>
Attribute | Description | Type |
min | Minimum item stack size. | Number (Without Decimal) |
max | Maximum item stack size. | Number (Without Decimal) |
weight | Weight of each item in set. | Number (With Decimal) |
You can use this to set the player's saturation.
<saturation action="subtract">2</saturation>
Description | Type |
The saturation modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's saturation level. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's saturation level the same. ,set - Set the player's saturation level to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's saturation level. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's saturation level. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's saturation level. ,divide - Divide the player's saturation level by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's saturation level by the supplied number. | set |
You can use this to set the player's personal time.
<time action="add">10000</time>
Description | Type |
The time modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's local time. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's local time the same. ,set - Set the player's local time to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's local time. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's local time. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's local time. ,divide - Divide the player's local time by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's local time by the supplied number. | set |
Set the player's total experience level. (This will override both of the above values)
<exp-total action="multiply">2</exp-total>
Description | Type |
The XP modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's total XP. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's total XP the same. ,set - Set the player's total XP to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's total XP. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's total XP. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's total XP. ,divide - Divide the player's total XP by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's total XP by the supplied number. | set |
Vehicles are used to mount players on entities when they receive the loadout.
Specification | Changes |
1.0.4 | ADDED |
<vehicle remove="true">boat</vehicle>
Description | Type |
The type of vehicle. | EntityType Possible Values |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
sticky | If the player should be unable to dismount from the entity. | True/False | false |
remove | If the entity should be removed when the player dismounts. | True/False | false |
velocity | The initial velocity of the entity. | X,Y,Z Vector | 0, 0, 0 |
Set the player's walk speed.
<walk-speed action="subtract">2</walk-speed>
Description | Type |
The speed modifier that should be used by the action. | Number (Without Decimal) |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
action | The action which is applied to the player's walk speed. | Number Actionnone - Perform no action and keep the player's walk speed the same. ,set - Set the player's walk speed to the supplied number. ,add - Add the supplied number to the player's walk speed. ,subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the player's walk speed. ,multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the player's walk speed. ,divide - Divide the player's walk speed by the supplied number. ,power - Raise the player's walk speed by the supplied number. | set |
Use this to set the player's personal weather state.
Description | Type |
The type of weather the player should see. | Weather Typedownfall ,clear |