Atlas Map Documentation

A comprehensive guide on creating maps and game modes for Atlas.

Decay Areas and Phases<decay>

This module is used to make blocks change phases under players and eventually fall at the specified time.

Decay Area<area>

These represent areas of the map that the decay module should work inside of.

  <area region="bridges" fall-delay="3s">
    <phase delay="1s">redstone block</phase>
    <phase delay="1s">dropper</phase>
    <phase delay="1s">piston base</phase>
    <phase delay="1s">piston sticky base</phase>
    <phase delay="1s">tnt</phase>

Decay Area Attributes

The region that the block decay should act inside of.

This can either be in ID form, or as a nested XML tag in the syntax of a region.


Time after the last phase completes before the blocks should turn into falling sand.

This attribute denotes a period of time and can either be in seconds or in a period format.

Formats are as follows:

d - days

h - hours

m - minutes

s - seconds

These can be combined to create any period. No spaces are allowed.


Decay Phase<phase>

These denote materials that the blocks will change into in order before falling.

<phase delay="1s">redstone block</phase>

<phase delay="1s">dropper</phase>

<phase delay="1s">piston base</phase>

<phase delay="1s">piston sticky base</phase>

<phase delay="1s">tnt</phase>

Element Text


Material of the phase.

A material is defined in the syntax of matname:damage when matname is the name of the material and damage is the damage value of the material.

A damage value is not required.

Singular Material Matcher
Decay Phase Attributes

How long this phase should last before the next phase is applied.

This attribute denotes a period of time and can either be in seconds or in a period format.
