Atlas Map Documentation

A comprehensive guide on creating maps and game modes for Atlas.


Executors are used to perform various actions during the match.

Apply Loadout<apply-loadout>

REQUIREMENT:This feature requires the Items & Loadouts Module.

An executor that gives a loadout to a player.

  <executor id="give-items" check="always">
    <apply-loadout check="oneitem" loadout="randomizer" />

Apply Loadout Attributes

The id of the loadout for reference.

Loadout ID

Change World Time<change-world-time>

This executor is used to change the time of match world.

  <executor id="let-there-be-chaos" check="always">
    <change-world-time check="always" time="13200" />

Change World Time Attributes

Amount of time (in ticks) to change the time by.

Number (Without Decimal)

The action which is applied to the world time.

Number Action

none - Perform no action and keep the world time the same.,
set - Set the world time to the supplied number.,
add - Add the supplied number to the world time.,
subtract - Subtract the supplied number from the world time.,
multiply - Multiply the supplied number with the world time.,
divide - Divide the world time by the supplied number.,
power - Raise the world time by the supplied number.

Enchant Item<enchant-item>

An executor that enchants items in player inventories based on various criteria.

  <executor id="anid" check="acheck">
    <enchant-item only-natural="false" level="41" selector="hand" to-enchant="iron sword">fast digging</enchant-item>

Element Text


Enchantment to be applied.

Possible Values
Enchant Item Attributes

Part of inventory to look inside of.

Enchantment Selector


Items to look for.

A material is defined in the syntax of matname:damage when matname is the name of the material and damage is the damage value of the material.

A damage value is not required.

Multiple materials can be defined by adding a ';' between each individual declaration.

Multi Material Matcher

Level of the enchantment.

Number (Without Decimal)1

Only enchants items that can naturally be enchanted with this type of enchantment.


Modify Lives<modify-lives>

REQUIREMENT:This feature requires the Elimination Module.

An executor that is used to modify the amount of lives a player has remaining.

  <executor id="modify" check="putcheck">
    <modify-lives action="add" amount="69" />

Modify Lives Attributes

The action which is applied to number of lives the player has.

Number Action

none - Perform no action and keep number of lives the player has the same.,
set - Set number of lives the player has to the supplied number.,
add - Add the supplied number to number of lives the player has.,
subtract - Subtract the supplied number from number of lives the player has.,
multiply - Multiply the supplied number with number of lives the player has.,
divide - Divide number of lives the player has by the supplied number.,
power - Raise number of lives the player has by the supplied number.

Amount of lives to modify.

Number (Without Decimal)1

Perform At Fixed Rate<loop>

An executor that is used to perform an executor at a fixed rate that can be dynamically ended based on checks.

  <executor check="always">
    <loop id="spawn-loop" check="always" stop="never" interval="20s" execute="spawn-items" />

Perform At Fixed Rate Attributes

The id of the executor for reference.

Executor ID

Check that should be ran before the loop is halted.

This can either be in ID form, or as a nested XML tag in the syntax of a check.


Check that will run with each execution to see if it should be ended early.

This attribute denotes a period of time and can either be in seconds or in a period format.

Formats are as follows:

d - days

h - hours

m - minutes

s - seconds

These can be combined to create any period. No spaces are allowed.


Number of times to execute. If this is not given, the executor will never stop.

Number (Without Decimal)

Perform Executor(s) On All Players<perform-on-everyone>

An executor that is used to perform executors on an all the players currently on the server, including spectators.

  <executor id="give-items" check="always">
    <perform-on-everyone execute="send-alert" />

Perform Executor(s) On All Players Attributes

The id of the executor for reference.

Executor ID

Perform Executor(s) On Group<perform-on-group>

An executor that is used to perform executors on an entire group of players.

  <perform-on-group id="xtra-life" group="red" check="always">
      <modify-lives amount="1" />
  <perform-on-group id="xtra-life" group="blue" check="always">
      <modify-lives amount="1" />

Perform Executor(s) On Group Attributes

The id of the group to perform the executor on for reference.

Group To Perform The Executor On ID

The id of the executor for reference.

Executor ID

Play Sound<play-sound>

An executor that plays a sound to a player.

  <executor id="do-this" check="only-coal">
    <play-sound sound="enderdragon death" volume="1" pitch="1" />

Play Sound Attributes

Type of sound to be played.


ambience cave,
ambience rain,
ambience thunder,
anvil break,
anvil land,anvil use,arrow hit,burp,chest close,
chest open,click,door close,door open,drink,eat,
explode,fall big,fall small,fire,fire ignite,
fizz,fuse,glass,hurt flesh,item break,item pickup,
lava,lava pop,level up,minecart base,
minecart inside,
note bass,note piano,note bass drum,
note sticks,
note bass guitar,
note snare drum,
note pling,orb pickup,piston extend,
piston retract,
portal,portal travel,
portal trigger,
shoot arrow,
splash,splash2,step grass,step gravel,
step ladder,
step sand,step snow,step stone,step wood,step wool,swim,
water,wood click,bat death,bat hurt,bat idle,bat loop,
bat takeoff,
blaze breath,
blaze death,
blaze hit,cat hiss,cat hit,cat meow,cat purr,cat purreow,
chicken idle,
chicken hurt,
chicken egg pop,
chicken walk,
cow idle,cow hurt,cow walk,creeper hiss,
creeper death,
enderdragon death,
enderdragon growl,
enderdragon hit,
enderdragon wings,
enderman death,
enderman hit,
enderman idle,
enderman teleport,
enderman scream,
enderman stare,
ghast scream,
ghast scream2,
ghast charge,
ghast death,
ghast fireball,
ghast moan,irongolem death,
irongolem hit,
irongolem throw,
irongolem walk,
magmacube walk,
magmacube walk2,
magmacube jump,
pig idle,pig death,pig walk,sheep idle,sheep shear,
sheep walk,silverfish hit,
silverfish kill,
silverfish idle,
silverfish walk,
skeleton idle,
skeleton death,
skeleton hurt,
skeleton walk,
slime attack,
slime walk,slime walk2,
spider idle,
spider death,
spider walk,
wither death,
wither hurt,
wither idle,
wither shoot,
wither spawn,
wolf bark,wolf death,wolf growl,wolf howl,wolf hurt,wolf pant,
wolf shake,wolf walk,wolf whine,zombie metal,
zombie wood,
zombie woodbreak,
zombie idle,
zombie death,
zombie hurt,
zombie infect,
zombie unfect,
zombie remedy,
zombie walk,
zombie pig idle,
zombie pig angry,
zombie pig death,
zombie pig hurt,
dig wool,dig grass,dig gravel,dig sand,dig snow,dig stone,
dig wood,firework blast,
firework blast2,
firework large blast,
firework large blast2,
firework twinkle,
firework twinkle2,
firework launch,
successful hit,
horse angry,
horse armor,
horse breathe,
horse death,
horse gallop,
horse hit,horse idle,horse jump,horse land,horse saddle,
horse soft,horse wood,donkey angry,
donkey death,
donkey hit,donkey idle,
horse skeleton death,
horse skeleton hit,
horse skeleton idle,
horse zombie death,
horse zombie hit,
horse zombie idle,
villager death,
villager haggle,
villager hit,
villager idle,
villager no,
villager yes

Volume of the sound.

Integer Range


Pitch of the sound.

Integer Range


Region this executor acts inside of.

This can either be in ID form, or as a nested XML tag in the syntax of a region.


Replace Blocks<replace-block>

An executor that will rapidly replace blocks inside of a region.

  <executor id="help" check="always">
    <replace-block find="air" replace="enchantment table" region="enchantment-station-enchantment-tables" />

Replace Blocks Attributes

Material to search for.

A material is defined in the syntax of matname:damage when matname is the name of the material and damage is the damage value of the material.

A damage value is not required.

Singular Material Matcher

Material to replace found blocks with.

A material is defined in the syntax of matname:damage when matname is the name of the material and damage is the damage value of the material.

A damage value is not required.

Singular Material Matcher

Send Message<send-message>

An executor that is used to send messages to players.

The message supports contextual attributes based on the actor which are surrounded with [] (square brackets)

  <executor id="send-alert" check="always">
    <send-message location="chat">onion</send-message>

Send Message Attributes

Location on the screen to send the message.

Message Location


Message to send.


If the title location is used, The time if takes the title to fade in.

Number (Without Decimal)20

If the title location is used, The time if takes the title to stay on screen.

Number (Without Decimal)40

If the title location is used, The time if takes the title to fade out.

Number (Without Decimal)20

Attributes that apply to entities
nameName of the entity.
typeType of the entity
velocityBase prefix for the velocity of the entity that is used to access the vector attributes.
locationBase prefix for the location of the entity that is used to access the vector attributes.
Attributes that apply to groups
nameName of the group.
colorColor of the group.
minMinimum number of players for the group.
maxMaximum number of players for the group.
overfillMaximum overfill of players for the group.
sizeNumber of players in the group.
Attributes that apply to items
typeType of the item.
amountAmount of the item.
damageDamage value of the item.
nameCustom name of the item.
loreLore of the item.
Attributes that apply to players
nameName of the player.
velocityBase prefix for the velocity of the player that is used to access the vector attributes.
locationBase prefix for the location of the player that is used to access the vector attributes.
holdingBase prefix for item the player player is holding that is used to access the item attributes.
healthHealth of the player.
max-healthMax health of the player.
foodFood level of the player.
saturationSaturation level of the player.
expExperience level of the player.
walk-speedWalk speed of the player.
fly-speedFly speed of the player.
Attributes that apply to vectors (velocities, locations)
XX coordinate of the vector with no decimals.
YY coordinate of the vector with no decimals.
ZZ coordinate of the vector with no decimals.
X-preciseX coordinate of the vector with decimals.
Y-preciseY coordinate of the vector with decimals.
Z-preciseZ coordinate of the vector with decimals.
fullX, Y, Z coordinates of the vector with no decimals.
full-preciseX, Y, Z coordinates of the vector with decimals.
Base prefixes and definitions
attackerPrefix used to identify the attacker in the context. This is effectively a sub-context which can contain any below variables.
victimPrefix used to identify the victim in the context. This is effectively a sub-context which can contain any below variables.
entityPrefix used to identify the entity in the context.
groupPrefix used to identify the group in the context.
itemPrefix used to identify the item in the context.
locationPrefix used to identify the location in the context.
materialPrefix used to identify the material in the context.
playerPrefix used to identify the player in the context.
spawn-reasonPrefix used to identify the spawn-reason in the context.

Shared Executor Attributes

These attributes are shared across all executors/

<!-- Plays the sound of an ender dragon dying. -->

  <executor id="do-this" check="only-coal">
    <play-sound sound="enderdragon death" volume="1" pitch="1" />

  <material id="only-coal">coal block</material>

<!-- When a player breaks a coal block, the executor will run. -->

  <trigger on="block-break" execute="do-this" />

Shared Executor Attributes Attributes

The globally unique ID of this feature.

This can be used to reference this feature from other parts of the XML.

Feature ID

Check that should be ran before the executor is executed.

This can either be in ID form, or as a nested XML tag in the syntax of a check.


Summon Entity<summon-entity>

An executor that summons entities into the world with specified attributes.

  <executor id="give-items" check="always">
      <summon-entity type="lightning" region="portdest" />
      <perform-on-everyone execute="send-alert" />

Summon Entity Attributes

Type of entity to be spawned.

Possible Values

Custom name for the entity.


Potion effects to apply to the entity.

This should be written like effects would be configured in a loadout.

Effects Loadout Tag

Number of entities that should be spawned.

Number (Without Decimal)1

Region this executor acts inside of.

This can either be in ID form, or as a nested XML tag in the syntax of a region.


Equipment Attributes<equipment>

Attributes used to configure entity equipment.

  <executor id="spawn-zombie" check="always">
    <summon-entity type="zombie" region="zombiespawn">
        <item slot="hand">diamond sword</item>

Equipment Attributes Attributes

Slot to place the item in.

Equipment Slot


This should be written like an item would be configured in a loadout.

An Item Loadout Tag

Firework Attributes<effects>

Attributes used to configure fireworks which are spawned.

  <executor id="spawnfirework" check="always">
    <summon-entity type="firework" region="fireworkspawn">
      <firework power="4" team-color="false" team-color-fade="true">...</firework>

Firework Attributes Attributes

The power of the firework.


If the team color (if it can be inferred) should be a part of the firework.


If the team color (if it can be inferred) should be a part of the firework's fade.


Firework Effect Attributes<effect>

Attributes used to configure firework effects for fireworks which are spawned.

  <executor id="spawnfirework" check="always">
    <summon-entity type="firework" region="fireworkspawn">
      <firework power="4" team-color="false" team-color-fade="true">
        <effect effect="ball" flicker="true" color="red" />
        <effect effect="star" flicker="false" color="white" fade="true" />
        <effect effect="ball" flicker="true" color="blue" />

Firework Effect Attributes Attributes

Type of effect to be applied.


ball,ball large,star,burst,creeper

If the effect should flicker.


If the effect should have a trail.


The color of the effect.

Colors can be defined in 2 different ways.

If the color starts with a '#', the hex of the color will be parsed (use this for exact colors)

If not, a generic color (red, green, blue, etc) should be used.


If the effect should fade.


Take Items<take-item>

An executor that takes items from player inventories based on criteria.

  <executor id="playerhelp" check="execute">
    <take-item take="stone;dirt" />

Take Items Attributes

Items to take.

A material is defined in the syntax of matname:damage when matname is the name of the material and damage is the damage value of the material.

A damage value is not required.

Multiple materials can be defined by adding a ';' between each individual declaration.

Multi Material Matcher

Teleport Player<teleport-player>

An executor that teleports a player to a location inside of a region.

  <executor id="player-tp" check="always">
    <teleport-player check="fire" to="water" />

Teleport Player Attributes

Region this executor acts inside of.

This can either be in ID form, or as a nested XML tag in the syntax of a region.


Toggle Elimination<toggle-elimination>

REQUIREMENT:This feature requires the Elimination Module.

An executor used to toggle elimination on/off for a match.

  <executor id="toggle-elim" check="never">
    <toggle-elimination to="true" />

Toggle Elimination Attributes

What elimination should be set to. If this is not specified, it will just be toggled.



Triggers are a way to perform an executor based on an event in Minecraft.

Below are a list of triggers that can be used to trigger executors.

  <trigger on="block-break" execute="do-this" />

Triggers Attributes

ID of the event that should trigger this executor.


The id of the executor for reference.

Executor ID

IdentifierEvent Name
flag-captureFlag Capture
flag-stealFlag Steal
state-changeMatch State Change
point-earnPoint Earn
wool-pickupWool Pickup
leakable-leakLeakable Leak
weather-changeWeather Change
flag-pickupFlag Pickup
toggle-on-groundPlayer On Ground
wool-placeWool Place
block-breakBlock Break
destroyable-repairDestroyable Repair
toggle-flightPlayer Toggle Flight
flag-dropFlag Drop
projectile-hitProjectile Hit
player-spawnPlayer Spawn Complete
item-breakPlayer Item Break
item-consumePlayer Item Consume
destroyable-damageDestroyable Damage
lighting-strikeLightning Strike
wall-fallWalls Fall
block-placeBlock Place
hill-captureHill Capture
destroyable-touchDestroyable Touch
player-eliminatePlayer Eliminate
hill-owner-changeHill Owner Change
block-explodeBlock Explode
firework-explodeFirework Explode
monument-destroyMonument Destroy
item-dropPlayer Drop Item
toggle-sprintPlayer Toggle Sprint
creature-spawnCreature Spawn
item-pickupPlayer Pickup Item
match-openMatch Open
match-startMatch State Change
toggle-sneakPlayer Toggle Sneak
player-deathPlayer On Ground